Driving Customer Satisfaction in the Middle Market Banking Segment posted 08/06/2021







Featuring: Joe Markey, KeyBank and Donna Arce, Barlow Research Associates, Inc.

Customer satisfaction matters. On average, the net potential revenue of approximately five middle market customers ($10MM-<$500MM in annual sales) could equate to a $1MM revenue gain or deficit for a bank. Highly satisfied customers are more likely to repurchase from their primary bank when there is a need. In addition, highly satisfied customers are more likely to refer your bank to other companies with a similar need. Among the Top 10 banks serving the middle market segment, KeyBank has achieved high ratings in these performance metrics.

In the middle market banking segment, brand attributes collectively explain approximately 90% of the variation in overall primary bank satisfaction. Additionally, key drivers can change year over year. Joe Markey, Middle Market Regional Sales Executive for the East Region at KeyBank, will share insight and commentary on driving customer satisfaction.

In this webcast, you will learn about:

  • Changes in key drivers of overall bank and Account Officer satisfaction
  • Variation of brand attribute ratings between large, medium and small banks
  • Front line challenges and successes in building highly satisfied customer relationships

This presentation is designed for anyone involved in middle market or business banking strategy, transformation, agile teams, customer experience, relationship management, business development, sales, marketing, training, coaching, market research or line of business strategy.

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