

+ Contact Us

• Email: insights@barlowresearch.com
• Phone: 763.253.1800
Address: 917 Lilac Drive N.Minneapolis, MN 55422

+ Services
- Syndicated Research

-- Small Business Banking Program

-- Middle Market Banking Program

-- Digital Business Banking Program

Multi-Client Studies

Custom Research

Business Banking Conference

+ About

Our Story

Our People

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Business Participants

Our Panel

Accessing small business and middle market financial decision makers is notoriously difficult. We've spent decades curating and active panel of quality study participants.

Barlow Research’s panel of business participants have previously responded to one of our syndicated research studies. This allows us to understand many of their banking behaviors prior to them participating in a new research study. 

This includes. . .

  • The name of their primary bank

  • The banking products and services they use

  • The channels they use at their primary bank

  • Their headquarter location

  • The industry specification

  • Age of their business

  • Age of the business' owner/largest shareholder

  • and much more. . . . .


Who is in the Barlow Panel

Financial Decision Makers
Including Owners, CEOs, CFOs, Controllers, etc.
Small Businesses and Middle Market Companies
Spanning sales ranges from $100K -< $500MM
Companies That Have Been in Business for at Least One Year
Including a mix of newer and established businesses​
Companies Headquartered in the United States
With a good representation across the country​
Custom Solutions

Our Custom Research Solutions

Finding the right way to collect data from businesses can be challenging. Barlow Research’s wide range of methodologies and our trained experts make it easy.

Flash Panels

Our most popular custom research solution allows our clients to quickly access financial decision makers. These studies can be both quantitative or qualitative, making them a versatile way to execute market research studies when timelines are condensed. 


Brand & Advertising Tracking

How strong is your institution's brand? Barlow's brand and advertising tracking studies focus on establishing and monitoring a bank's overall brand health among business banking companies by understanding. . .
Including unaided awareness, aided awareness, favorability, use and familiarity with your institution’s brand. ​
Stengths & Weaknesses
Perceptions of your institution’s brand to identify perceived strengths/weaknesses and the strengths/weaknesses of relevant competitors.​
Likelihood that financial decision makers will consider your institution for business banking services.​

CX Lab Evaluations

Through Barlow Research’s CX Lab, we allow your institution to follow along as a real business owner engages in business banking activities. 

CX Labs have been used to evaluate…

  • New account opening activities

  • Digital business banking capabilities

  • Credit applications

  • Service interactions


Customer Relationship Audit®

Go beyond just understanding customer satisfaction. Our Customer Relationship Audit (CRA®) allows your institution to gain a deep understanding of your clients and benchmark results to understand your areas of strength and opportunities for improvement.

  • Assess the loyalty of your business customers

  • Measure the impact of process improvement over time

  • Improve Account Officer performance

  • Compare banking behaviors and develop strategies for different types of customers


Additional Popular Solutions

Concept & Name Testing
Methodology designed to help test new product concepts and/or naming conventions with real businesses. ​
Quantitative & Qualitative Studies
Lean on our ability to develop questionnaires, pinpoint your target audience and tailor our reporting to produce data-backed insights.​
Value Proposition Strategy Mapping
Methodology designed to mine our research library to help your institution align strategies with your ideal value propositions. ​
Special Reports
Utilize our expansive research library to dive deep into the topics your organization would like to explore. ​

Our Deliverables

We take pride in our work. This means producing accurate, insightful and beautiful deliverables.
Our reports are designed to tell a story with data through engaging visualizations and thoughtful insights.​
We are passionate about communicating the findings to help your team thoroughly understand our research.​ ​
Data Files
Our data files are provided in universal formats so your team can dig deeper into the data. ​
Slice and dice your custom research findings through our comprehensive data tabulations.​

Our Expertise

Running a quality custom study requires a team of research experts committed to understanding research objectives, knowing the steps necessary to collect quality data, and communicating findings in an impactful way.

Our research team members are experts in:

  • Translating study objectives into research design

  • Developing and programming questionnaires to produce accurate and actionable data

  • Managing timelines and communicating throughout the research journey

  • Presenting findings through interactive and engaging sessions

Contact Us

Have Questions, a research request or an RFP? Let us know.

Contact Small

Next evolution in digital payment acceptance

Barlow Research takes an in-depth approach to evaluate digital payment acceptance methods for small businesses offered by leading banks and fintech providers.

accounting software integration

Customer experience study that uncovers how four different accounting software solutions are catering to the needs of businesses.

business sentiment tracking

Ongoing tracking study originating at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. Focused on business health, current challenges and banking needs.

Relationship management in a digital world

Large quantitative study focused on remote relationship management and the future of branch usage.

fintech digital account opening

Customer journey study highlighting the unique ways fintechs with DDAs have designed the digital account opening experience for small businesses.

Small business lender lab

A study provide insight into the digital lending application user experience for small business customers.

Finding & Retaining Business Deposits

Quantitative study that measures the impact of increased rates on attrition, and highlights key industries to target for deposit acquisition. 

Digital Account Opening

In-depth study focused on the small business digital account opening journey at top financial providers.

stay ahead of key industry trends

Strategizing for the future relies upon data, a lot of data. Fortunately, Barlow Research has you covered. We specialize in distilling our large library of voice of the business customer data into succinct trends we think are important to follow.

Examine your organization's brand

Developing and maintaining a quality brand requires targeted feedback from your addressable market. Barlow Research understands that a financial institution’s brand is not only a driver of loyalty but can be differentiating in the market.

Refine Product and Service Solutions.

Staying ahead of your clients’ product needs is paramount. Barlow Research helps our clients refine product strategies, determine areas for potential growth and stay ahead of emerging product trends.

Gather Competitive Intelligence

Succeeding in business banking requires a deep knowledge of the competitive landscape. Barlow Research helps financial institutions refine product strategies, determine areas for potential growth and stay ahead of emerging product trends.